Public Skate

Lace up your skates, hit the ice and experience why ice skating at Daytona Ice Arena is one of Daytona's favorite activities! Bring your family, friends, a date or enjoy a solo outing, and discover why ice skating is a great activity for all ages and experience levels. Our public skate sessions are budget friendly, ALWAYS FUN and a perfect addition to a healthy lifestyle.
Ice skating dates back to around 3000 BC when skates were made from animals bones and strapped to the feet. Skates have certainly come a long way since that time, but the thrill and health benefits from skating remain the same!
Check our online calendar and then mark yours to come out and enjoy an exhilarating ice-skating experience that has been enjoyed for almost 5000 years! Because ice is slippery and injuries can happen, Daytona Ice Arena recommends all skaters wear head protection, such as a hockey or bicycle helmet. Have any other questions about public ice skating? If so, check out our frequently asked questions page, or give us a call any time!

Check out our calendar below and find a session that works for you and get ready for an exhilarating experience that you won’t soon forget! If you don’t have your own equipment, DIA has high quality skates, ice scooters and lockers available for rent.
Easter Sunday, 4th of July, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day
Click here for daily schedule
General Admission: $9.00
Seniors (65+): $7.00
Youth 5 & Under: $5.00
Skate Rental: $4.00
Military or College I.D.: $7.00
Ice Scooter Rental: $6.00
Public skate times are subject to change on rare occasions. Please visit our calendar to verify public skate times.
All fields are required.
- No outside food or drink allowed in the facility
- No refunds on admissions or skate rentals
- No one is allowed on the ice without wearing skates
- No Snowballs permitted – those that throw snow balls will be asked to leave
- All skaters shall skate at a reasonable speed. If they are passing more skaters than are passing them, they are skating too fast
- Skaters shall not skate in a reckless manner, weave in or out, play tag or jeopardize their safety or the safety of others
- Skaters are to report all injuries to the on ice monitor or manager
- Report any unsafe ice conditions to the manager on duty
- Skaters shall not carry children while wearing skates, on or off the ice
- Skaters shall not talk on cell phones or text while skating
- Guest may not sit on the dasher boards, tables or other railings around the building
- Skaters shall not enter the hockey players benches
- All skaters must keep skating at all times while on the ice, standing or sitting around the ice will not be allowed
- No food or drinks allowed on the ice
- Skaters must keep skating in the same direction
- No sticks or pucks allowed on the ice surface
- No advanced spins or jumps allowed when ice monitor or manager feels it is too busy for a skater to safely practice those maneuvers.
- At no time shall a skater be allowed to do any spins or jumps where the blade of the skater goes above the knee.
- No skaters are allowed on the ice while the Ice Resurfacing equipment is on the ice.